Picture: PhotoMIX-Company/Pixabay Picture: PhotoMIX-Company/Pixabay
Johannesburg - A Gauteng woman has taken to Twitter to describe how bullying and intimidation at work have left her depressed and suicidal.
During her Twitter meltdown, Pulane Moloi talked about how the alleged abuse she endured at Kantar TNS had resulted in her suffering fainting spells.
Moloi claimed her line manager called her stupid, useless and a horrible person who used her depression and rape to get sympathy from the firm and her colleagues.
“I was overworked and given impossible deadlines. I have had my job security threatened on numerous occasions by my then line manager.
“When I tried to voice a concern or query, I would be told I should be grateful I have a job,” said Moloi, 45.
She worked at the global market research company in Joburg as an administrator in April 2017.
She said she was diagnosed with depression in 2011 following a rape ordeal when she was aged nine. “During my employment I informed the company of my depression and they said they would support me in any way,” Moloi said.
She said the bullying started in May last year when she got a new line manager.
She reported the abuse to the South African Kantar TNS branch chief executive, Ivan Moroke.
“The company found no fault or guilt on the part of my then line manager based on lack of
witnesses as they said it was my word against hers.”
Moroke said: “We care for our colleague Ms Moloi and have supported her through her illness, including supporting her through multiple internal and external grievance procedures.”
However, he rejected her abuse claims. “We are aware of the social media posts and allegations made.
We firmly reject the allegations.”
In a vocational assessment report seen by The Star, Moloi was recommended by an occupational therapist to “only focus on administrative work which doesn’t require her to meet strict deadlines to avoid anxiety
“However, the client is highly motivated to be productive as she believes (it) will assist in maintaining her mental health,” the report said.
Moloi said the company had asked her to stay home in January while it tried to find a better position for her. However, this month the company gave her three options: apply for a software developer job at the Cape Town branch, suggest a department she wanted to work in or get medically boarded.
Moloi has lodged a complaint with the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration that has been referred to the Labour Court.
Last year a probe into racism was launched at the company after a 37 year old black woman claimed that some of her white colleagues called black people pigs as well as township gangs.
Another is alleged to have said black people were lazy and always expect freebies from "the useless ANC government."
An investigation later revealed that there was no racism at the company.