The University of KwaZulu-Natal has warned prospective students to be aware of registration scams and not give money to anybody, even if they claim to be from the university.
The executive director of corporate relations at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), Normah Zondo, has cautioned prospective students against registration scams at the university. Ms Zondo urges members of the public to be wary of disinformation and to follow only the official university channels for information on applications and registration.
She said since the beginning of the registration season they have witnessed scams targeting prospective students.
“We warn all prospective students not to fall prey to these scams. Please do not click on any unverified website links. At all times please ensure you are dealing with bona fide UKZN personnel. Everything related to registration is solely managed by UKZN staff and everything students need to know will be published on the university website: as well as UKZN official social media platform,” said Ms Zondo.
She also urge prospective students not to pay any money to anyone, even those who claim to be from UKZN - as university spaces are not for sale. Ms Zondo also warned of any illegal matric upgrades centres that claim to be associated with UKZN. She noted that some fake information has been circulating in social media regarding walk in applications.
“UKZN has received over 160 000 applications for the approximately 9 000 spaces the university has for first-time entering students. Due to the high number of applications the university is unable to accept walk in applications,” said Ms Zondo.
She urged all new and returning students to complete their registrations online and not to come into campus to register.
“The university will be holding a virtual parents day, inviting parents and guardians, on Saturday, February 3, so they can get more information on the registration process.”
Ms Zondo added that the university is on track for the 2024 academic year. The registration process started on January 9 and will conclude on February 23.
To assist with registration the university is providing internet data bundles for all returning students. All first entry students will also be provided with data bundles upon accepting an offer from UKZN.