The Nkandla Regional Court has sentenced a 43-year-old man to three terms of life imprisonment for the rape of his niece in the Nkandla area.
Natasha Ramkisson-Kara, regional spokesperson for the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), said the man and the girl lived in the same house, and he started raping her in 2013 when she was seven years old.
“Since he threatened her with a knife, she did not tell anyone what was happening. She eventually confided in her aunt who then told the girl’s mother, and they reported the matter to the police. The man was arrested a few days later at his home,” said Ms Ramkisson-Kara.
In court, Prosecutor Philile Shilenge led the testimonies of the girl and her aunt, as well as other family members. The evidence of the medical doctor who examined the girl and the contents of the J88 form were also part of the state’s case. The state submitted a Victim Impact Statement, compiled by the girl, and facilitated by Court Preparation Officer Amanda Pretty Nxumalo.
“In her statement, the girl indicated that her uncle had ruined her life, and she now fears men. She said that her uncle was supposed to protect her but took advantage of her instead. The man was sentenced to three terms of life imprisonment. The court ordered that his name be entered into the National Register for Sex Offenders. He was also declared unfit to possess a firearm,” said Ms Ramkisson-Kara.
The NPA welcomes the successful finalisation of this matter and is committed to pursuing justice for the victims of crime, said Ms Ramkisson-Kara.