To combat the alarming surge in poaching, particularly within Hluhluwe iMfolozi Park (HiP) during 2023, Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife has decided to dehorn rhinos.
Despite concerted efforts, the province lost 325 rhinos in 2023, with 307 of those poached within HiP.
Ezemvelo will be working in collaboration with WWF South Africa, in the dehorning programme that started on April 8, with efforts now well under way.
Ezemvelo CEO, Sihle Mkhize, said, “It is with a heavy heart that the organisation has decided to dehorn. Rhino dehorning goes against the grain of what we stand for, but the persistent threat posed by poachers has necessitated more drastic measures to protect our rhinos.”
While dehorning is costly and requires repeated efforts every 18 to 24 months, Mr Mkhize extended heartfelt gratitude to WWF for their pivotal financial support, emphasising the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration for conservation success.
He said it was important to create an environment for private sectors, NGOs, and local communities to collectively safeguard wildlife.
Mr Mkhize said that while dehorning was not a complete solution, it formed part of a comprehensive approach to dis-incentivise poachers targeting horned animals.
WWF South Africa’s CEO Dr Morné du Plessis said: “A decision to dehorn is never taken lightly and only one of a wide range of interventions which together seek to simultaneously remove the potential reward of rhino poaching while increasing the likelihood of being caught.
“The province of KZN has played a critical role in rhino conservation in Africa which is why we are committing resources towards supporting the authorities in their efforts to protect rhinos. Beyond the dehorning programme, we will also be supporting Ezemvelo in its broader efforts to implement the Ezemvelo KZN Guardianship Strategy for Rhinoceros.”
Dr Du Plessis said the dehorning initiative marked a pivotal moment in Ezemvelo’s anti-poaching efforts that is now aligned with proven strategies implemented elsewhere, such as in Kruger National Park.
Mr Mkhize said that Ezemvelo remained committed to the implementation of the recently approved Ezemvelo KZN Guardianship Strategy for Rhinoceros that aims to significantly reduce poaching incidents.
This strategy, he said, was endorsed by the KwaZulu Natal Nature Conservation Board and sets ambitious goals to mitigate poaching, complementing on-going efforts that include intensifying anti-poaching patrols and surveillance, improving boundary fences and ranger living conditions, integrity testing and now de-horning.
The strategy dovetails with a number of recently reported initiatives aimed at fighting rhino poaching. These include:
- The investment of approximately R11 million by the KZN province to erect a smart fence to cover a significant portion of the park where poaching levels are high.
- The financial support of approximately R40 million by the national Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment to extend the area covered by the smart fence around the park.
- Increasing the number of field rangers from 45 to 88.
- Introducing integrity testing among frontline staff.
- Installing trackers in all vehicles.
- Improving relations with adjacent communities.
- The additional helicopter hours added with night vision capability, including the deployment of more field rangers.
- The appointment of a senior manager in charge of rhino protection