Residents who have undue water credit as result of a technical error on part of the eThekwini Municipality, can expect to pay an extra R180 a month for up to 36 months until they have paid of their debt.
The eThekwini Municipality has announced that customers affected by the technical error of 6kl of water undue credit to their accounts will need to sign up for a payment plan. They will be required to pay an additional R180 a month on their municipal bill until the debt is paid in full.
Affected customers can visit one of the city’s Sizakala Centres on or before March 31. The payment plan carries the following conditions:
eThekwini spokesperson Gugu Sisilana said the above conditions only apply to customers who were affected by water billing adjustments.
“Should customers fail to visit our Customer Service Centres and enter into a payment plan on or before the deadline, credit control and debt collection measures will come into effect, said Ms Sisilana. “Revenue Clearance Certificates will only be issued once all the debt has been settled, including total debt in respect of the water adjustment.”