The Durban Metro Police arrested eight suspects who ambushed an independent contractor repairing water infrastructure in Sinamuva Road, Newton B, Inanda, Durban on Tuesday (May 7).
Metro Police spokesperson Colonel Boysie Zungu said the suspects were identified by the construction Community Liaison Officer (CLO).
“We were informed that 10 suspects ambushed site workers, demanding to speak to the foreman and the CLO. The men, who were armed and aggressive, demanded that the site be closed, and work stopped immediately,” said Colonel Zungu.
He said the incident was reported to the Metro Police who were on site the following day, when eight armed men returned, presumably to ensure that the site was closed. Colonel Zungu said a firearm and 14 rounds of 9mm ammunition were recovered as well as a vehicle that was impounded.
“The suspects were detained and will be processed at the Inanda police station,”Colonel Zungu said.