
Water and Sanitation Minister gives update on plans to fix water supply problems

Doreen Premdev|Published

Water and Sanitation Minister Senzo Mchunu addressed residents of Phoenix, Tongaat and Verulam on Sunday (February 4) on how the department plans to find lasting solutions to the water challenges in the area.

Last week’s water protest in Phoenix and surrounding areas has brought a glimmer of hope for the residents who have been battling with water supply issues since 2022.

Minister of Water and Sanitation Senzo Mchunu held a meeting with residents from Verulam, Phoenix and Tongaat north of Durban on Sunday (February 4) to provide updates on measures aimed at resolving water supply challenges in the three areas.

Residents were offered a glimmer of hope when the city announced the commissioning of vital projects to boost capacity of water supply in the north.

Mr Mchunu, along with eThekwini municipality speaker Thabani Nyawose and city officials from Water and Sanitation addressed a community meeting to provide an update regarding water supply challenges.

Today, Monday February 5, the city will commission a borehole in Trenence 3. This is while work is being done on the Northern Aqueduct to increase water flow, said Mr Mchunu. This project is expected to be completed on Thursday February 15.

“The given date for all these challenges to be resolved is February 15; no efforts will be spared in resolving these water supply challenges,” said Mr Mchunu.

“Work will be carried out - day and night if we have to - in order to meet this deadline and provide people with water,” he said.

“Teams are checking for leaks and blockages as well as replacing air valves with priority on the Mount View Reservoir. Once this work is completed, input volumes into the Mount View Reservoir are expected to increase. This reservoir supplies downstream dependent reservoirs, namely Trenence 1 and 3 reservoirs.”

Before the water interruptions in the northern areas intensified, the city had already started with various projects to upgrade water infrastructure to meet the growing demand in the northern areas. This includes the construction of a water rising main (pipeline) from Hazelmere to the Grange Reservoir. This 600mm diameter pipeline is expected to be commissioned in June and will improve water capacity in Wards 58 and 60, said Mr Mchunu.

“The new Northern Aqueduct augmentation is at an advanced stage. This pipeline interconnects to the existing aqueduct and is set to improve the delivery of potable water to the northern areas,” Mr Mchunu added. “The Northern Aqueduct augmentation pipeline will supply water from the Durban Heights Treatment Works to the Waterloo, uMhlanga, and Blackburn (Cornubia) reservoirs.”

The construction of the Canelands pipeline bridge, which started last year, is in progress. This project comprises water and sewer pipelines and is in response to the growing community in the north, particular in Wards 58 and 60.

The minister added that the city is also assessing the possibility of getting water from Grange to the Mount View Reservoir as a top-up through the Hazelmere Water Works. Other alternative water supply options such as desalination, remix, and reuse projects are being explored, he said.

While short-term interventions are under way, the community was informed of a lasting solution to their water supply challenges. This is the construction and commissioning of the Upper Umkhomazi Dam, which will increase bulk supply capacity to the city. This project will be implemented by the National Department of Water and Sanitation through its agency, Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA), and Umngeni-uThukela Water.