The bonsai show will take place at the Durban Botanic Gardens this weekend. There will be bonsai tree sales, tree clinics, displays and demonstrations to teacher people how to grow and care for the tiny trees. Picture: DURBAN BONSAI SOCIETY
More than 100 bonsai trees will be showcased at the Bonsai Convention at the Durban Botanic Gardens.
Carefully pruned and perfected, these trees will be on display on Saturday November 4 and Sunday November 5.
Martin Naidoo, a bonsai specialist and member of Durban Bonsai Society, has encouraged the community to come out in their numbers for the two-day show featuring beautiful bonsai trees.
“The Durban Bonsai Society is hosting the convention for the first time since 2011, and it will feature different bonsai societies from around South Africa participating in this event. The general public will have access to the show side of things over the two days. There will be bonsai tree sales, tree clinics, displays and demonstrations on the days. It will be an opportunity for the public to learn more about the art of growing bonsais and how to take care of your bonsai trees. We hope the community will come out and support the event,” he said.
Mr Naidoo said it was through the Durban Bonsai Society that he gained a deeper understanding and knowledge of bonsais. He added that he was surrounded by people who had a similar passion and love for bonsais. They had been working with the miniature trees for far longer and were happy to share their knowledge with him.
“If I had one bit of advice for those who have a passion for bonsai trees, it would be to become a member of the society. Not only do you broaden your knowledge, but you interact with people who share similar passions with you,” said Mr Naidoo.
The Durban Bonsai Society will host the South African Bonsai Convention on Saturday November 4, from 8am to 5pm, and Sunday, November 5, from 8am to 1pm, at the Durban Botanic Gardens, 9A John Zikhali Road. Tickets cost R30 for adults, R20 for pensioners and children under-12 enter free. You can also find the club on Facebook under the name Durban Bonsai Society as well as on Instagram.