Trump must teach Ramaphosa a lesson

Letter to the Editor|Published

President Cyril Ramaphosa.

For too many decades now, African countries have had to be baby-sat by their older brothers, the US and the UK.

South Africa and America need each other, or so us sober-minded citizens have always thought but looking at how careless our beloved Mr Phala Phala-President and his ANC gang of looters and cadres have been marching on, paving the way for the Iranian regime to join the Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS) group and showing the West the proverbial middle finger, one has to conclude that Ramaphosa feels absolutely nothing for the citizens of this country!

As long as he and his ANC officials can continue eating from the trough of dirty Iranian, Russian and Chinese proceeds, he is happy to play mind games with Trump and the West.

What President Donald Trump should now do is punish Ramaphosa and the ANC, but not us citizens who seek to have a healthy relationship with the US, but how would this be done?

That's the big question, isn't it! Everytime Cyril Ramaphosa shows disrespect to Trump or his Western allies, it further puts us in a very precarious and unfortunate economic position. But why should Ramaphosa or the ANC care, right?

As long as they can get short term gains and survive politically, they can eat another day. Iran has proven to us that when the ANC had its backs against the wall and Naledi Pandor, a leftist, Muslim politician came crawling to them, begging for some money to pay off their debt, they did not hesitate to reward the ANC (not South Africa), for dragging Israel to the Hague.

If only the irresponsible, selfish decisions of our spineless, jellyfish- President did not have such serious repercussions, we could have still had a very good relationship with President Trump and our Western allies through African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and other similar agreements.

We are literally picking up the pieces of the aftermath of the Jacob Zuma/Ramaphosa years, and as we are bending down to clean up the mess, the ANC is kicking us in the teeth!

We as the South African citizens owe it to ourselves to stand up and fight the good fight against this beast called the ANC, and soon the MK Party as well, for they all have one thing in mind: steal and plunder as much as they can while the shop is still open and the authorities are nowhere to be found!

If the gross mismanagement of PRASA, SAA, Eskom and the Post office are anything to go by, we should have demanded serious accountability about a decade ago!

Here we are in 2024, still licking our wounds and getting beaten up daily by this horrible ANC, as if we have some form of abused-wife syndrome? It is almost as if we are like a desperate woman, running back to her unfaithful, drunk husband, to get given another black eye, not knowing her worth?

Ramaphosa is the abusive husband. Not only that, he is a brilliant, astute negotiator but a lousy, pathetic leader! We have fallen for his political word salads and Colgate smile too many times, folks.

To summarize, the fact that Ramaphosa is in bed with Iran, Russia and China, speaks volumes of his loyalty to the most corrupt, communistic and controversial characters of our time. Just like an unfaithful husband, he keeps going back to his evil mistresses, to collect his two pieces of silver.

The ANC would not be where it is, financially, without the help of Iran and Russia. Thanks to these evil regimes, our very own ANC has us suppressed, frustrated and financially hurting. We are literally at the mercy of a rudderless, racist, corrupt regime being sponsored by nefarious, greedy foreign powers.

Donald Trump

Maybe it's time Trump pulls the plug on AGOA and SA to teach Ramaphosa a lesson, but the sad reality is that the biggest losers in all of this political madness, will be us, the average citizens.

Whilst Ramaphosa drives his fancy SUV's, enjoys top level security, eats the best steak and gets away with stashing large amounts of foreign currency under his sofa at home, we, the people, must suffer the consequences of a man devoid of any moral soundness.

A man who has completely sold his soul to ruthless foreign forces, a man who wages war with his own citizens by weaponizing Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) policies which has divided us to such an extent that the flame of racism burns brighter now than ever before.

Please Mr Trump, do something, our President has fed us to the wolves!


The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media or IOL.

Daily News